Studio Visits 1—10

Episode 10 in an ongoing series inside the NYC studio of the acclaimed American artist. Here Brian talks about Rauschenberg and the importance of getting personal in painting.

Episode 9 in an ongoing series inside the NYC studio of the acclaimed American artist. Find out if Brian prefers the top or bottom, hear him discuss rule of thirds, and watch him mix color.

Episode 8 in an ongoing series inside the acclaimed American painter's NYC studio. Here Brian discusses learning color and his use of rocks and pillows.

Episode 7 in an ongoing series inside the acclaimed American painter's NYC studio. Here Brian discusses his 1997-98 Fulbright Scholarship in Ireland.

Episode 6 in an ongong series inside the acclaimed American painter's NYC studio. Here Brian discusses the role of vertical/horizontal in composition, speed, and his studio floor.

Part 5 in an ongoing series inside the acclaimed painter's NYC studio. Here Brian shows work in progress and discusses composition and Bouguereau.

Part 4 in an ongoing series in the studio of the acclaimed painter. Brian discusses one of his most important teachers and his love of Canadian landscape painting.

Part 3 in an ongoing series inside the studio of the acclaimed American painter. Brian discusses self taught art, design, and ecstasy.

Part 2 in an ongoing series in the NYC studio of the acclaimed American painter.

An informative look into the NYC studio of the acclaimed American artist Brian Rutenberg in which he discusses materials, process, and influences.